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Calderoth are large reptilian palu characterized by their unique igneous shell. Primarily carnivorous, a calderoth's diet consists of fish and smaller reptiles. They inhabit coastlines and mountainous regions where volcanic activity is present.


Due to their fiery physiology, calderoth require immense amounts of mineral nutrients to maintain their shell and can sometimes be found consuming the ore in their habitat, particularly during mating season when shows of strength are common.


Calderoth are known to assist other social palu with smelting and digging.






Plumes, hotspots, volcanoes

Fish, lizards, mineral



The shell of a calderoth is made of basalt and grows throughout its life, formed by the igneous activity of its body. A pybble is born with a coat of moss-like olivine used for camouflage which is shed as it grows up. From a young age as an igneoth, it begins to grow vents across its shell to evacuate excess body heat. As it ages, the sheer weight of a calderoth's shell will eventually immobilize the palu. In death, a calderoth becomes one with its volcanic home and gives way for new life.

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